Friday May 04, 2018
Life Moments - Podcast # 2 The Amazing Power of Smiles
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Join us as we discover the amazing power of smiles and how smiling can make you look better, feel better and even result in a longer life. We will lay out some compelling reasons why smiling can change your life and the lives of those you come into contact with.
Please share this episode with everyone you know as we attempt to change the world through smiling and the resultant happiness that follows.
For additional information on body language from Terry Beckstrom please check out Terry's book on body language Spoken Silently, The Art and Practice of Reading People available at most online book retailers worldwide and via his online learning platform www.AchieveCourses.com
Please subscribe to Life Moments and tell all your friends to join us as well. Join the revolution of positivity and motivation.
Saturday Apr 07, 2018
Life Moments - Introduction and Welcome
Saturday Apr 07, 2018
Saturday Apr 07, 2018
Welcome to Life Moments, a podcast dedicated to 'all things life'. In this introductory podcast (Podcast # 1) the host Terry Beckstrom introduces himself and briefly discuss some of the podcast topics he will be discussing in the coming episodes. Each podcast will publish on Friday mornings and will include segments on lifestyles, business Briefs, and security tips, in addition to the topic of the day. Future episodes will also include interviews of some of the most interesting people in the world (at least those I have access to).
Please sign up and don't miss a single episode. Thank you for listening!
About Terry Beckstrom:
Terry Beckstrom grew up in South Carolina and following college worked in sales before beginning a 25+ year career as a Special Agent with the U.S. Department of Justice, completing assignments in the Atlanta and Miami Field Divisions. Terry investigated international criminal organizations at the highest levels throughout the United States and abroad, ending his career leading one of the most successful task force groups in the country. Terry is a recognized expert in nonverbal communication (body language) and security and has trained thousands of individuals both domestically and internationally. Terry is a sought-after public speaker and course developer/trainer who has spoken at schools, colleges, corporate events, to law enforcement and the military, and is the author of two acclaimed books Livesafe, A Practical Guide to Personal and Family Security (2014), and Spoken Silently, The Art and Practice of Reading People (2016). Terry has also written numerous published articles on security, leadership and nonverbal communication, and has been featured in news articles and magazines. Terry is the founder of The Beckstrom Group, LLC, based out of North Carolina, which specializes in professional development training for corporations, and law enforcement, and security threat analysis.