Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
This is the first podcast in our American Patriot Series, and today we sit down with Joshua Caleb Green. Caleb discusses being raised in a difficult background and how he overcame obstacles in his early life that led him to where he is today. Caleb served in the USMC and completed a combat tour in Afganistan. Following his tour in the Marines, he took advantage of the GI bill and attended the University of South Carolina, graduating in May of 2018.
Caleb provides us an interesting look into the life of an American Patriot and offers us some great advice on diet, exercise, and attitude. You will definitely want the kids to listen to this one! Please encourage your friends and family to listen to Caleb's inspiring message.
I want to thank Caleb for participating in the interview.
We will have more interviews with American patriots in future podcasts so be sure to tune in each week.
Until Friday...
*There's a little sound distortion on the front end but it evens out quickly.
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Life Moments - Podcast # 11 - Having an Attitude of Gratitude
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Friday Jul 06, 2018
In this week's podcast we discuss Having an Attitude of Gratitude, and how doing so will change our entire perspective on life. Too often we develop an attitude of entitlement, where we believe that we deserve whatever we want. This type of attitude will leave us empty and always wanting something new. We also discuss the need to raise children who are grateful, and the need to set the example in our homes.
Please subscribe and if you like what you are hearing please share on your social media outlets.
Thank you for joining us today, and please join us next week as we attempt to tackle a touchy subject, which needs to be addressed.
If you missed any episodes we encourage you to take the time to listen.
If you want any additional information on me or my company please check out my website at www.thebeckstromgroup.com
Until next week...
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Life Moments - Podcast # 10 - A Conversation With Bobby Richardson
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
In this week's podcast, we sit down in Sumter, South Carolina with baseball legend Bobby Richardson and discuss baseball, faith and some of his amazing life moments. Bobby played for the New York Yankees from 1955-1966 and had a pivotal role in what has been described as the greatest baseball dynasty of all time. Bobby still holds several world records in baseball after being out of the game for over 50 years. Bobby played in over 1400 games, was an 8-time all-star, won five consecutive Gold Glove Awards, played in seven world series games, walking away with rings from four. He remains (and likely will remain) the only player in the history of baseball to ever be named a world series MVP from a losing team (1960). His accomplishments on and off the field over the years have been nothing less than amazing. He is a humble man of immense faith and character and has been a role model to so many for decades.
The interview is around 55 minutes, but you won't want to miss a single minute of this one.
We hope you enjoy the interview, please let your friends and family know about today's program and post it on your social media.
A special THANK YOU to Bobby Richardson for agreeing to sit down with me today. This was a special day and I am indeed grateful.
Please join us next Friday and every Friday for a new and exciting episode of Life Moments, and please subscribe to the podcast as well.
Until next week...
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Life Moments - Podcast # 9 - A Letter To My Son
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Friday Jun 22, 2018
In this week's podcast titled A Letter To My Son, we discuss the profound responsibility that parents have to raise children of character. This responsibility cannot be delegated and requires active participation on the part of parents. I will read a segment of a letter that I wrote to my son on Father's Day that I hope he passes down to his son, and for generations to come. The letter includes what I refer to as my 'teach him list', and outlines some of the values which are important to my family. The list can be modified for daughters, and not everyone will agree with everything on the list. That's ok.
Perhaps you may want to consider formulating your own 'teach him, or teach her list' for your son and/or daughter. It is so important that we as parents try to get this right. The fate of a generation rests on our shoulders.
Please subscribe to the podcast, and blast Life Moments all over your social media sites, so that we can spread the word to others.
Join us next Friday for a new and inspiring podcast.
Thanks for joining us today!
Until next week's podcast...
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Life Moments - Podcast # 8 - Image Projection
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
In this week's podcast, we discuss Image Projection, and how you project to others. We all 'project' through our facial expressions, body language, posture, walk, and the way we dress. The question we should be asking ourselves is 'what message are we projecting to others', and 'is it the message we are hoping for'? We also will discuss some simple changes that we can make to enhance our image projection and increase our success with others.
Please subscribe to the podcast and tell your friends and family to do the same. Join us each Friday for a new and inspiring podcast.
Thanks for joining us today.
Until next week's podcast...
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Life Moments - Podcast # 7 - The Pursuit of Happiness
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
In this week's podcast, we discuss The Pursuit of Happiness, and how to achieve it in your life. Happiness is not defined by your money or your possessions, but by your life experiences. We discuss some of the statistical findings related to happiness and provide you with suggestions for things you can do to improve your life circumstances and increase your life experiences.
Please subscribe to the podcast and tell all your friends and family to join us each Friday for a new episode.
Thanks for joining us today.
Until next week's podcast...
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Life Moments - Podcast # 6 - The Power of Friendship
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
In this week's podcast, we discuss The Power of Friendship, and how friendship can significantly enhance our lives. We will look at the definition of friendship, discuss qualities of a true friend, and provide insight on what you need to do to maintain your friendships. Friendship is about connection, trust, and reciprocity, and a real friendship takes time and commitment to maintain. Take the time to connect with your friends today.
Please subscribe to our podcast, and invite all your friends and family to do the same.
Thank you for joining us today.
Until next week's podcast...
Friday May 25, 2018
Life Moments - Podcast # 5 - Leadership Essentials
Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
In this week's podcast, we discuss Leadership and qualities of effective leaders. We will also discuss the difference between leadership and management, and why everyone should espouse to have leadership qualities. If you are a student aspiring to be a leader, someone trying to develop as a leader, a parent, or you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, this podcast is for you.
Please subscribe to our Podcast and pass it on to all your friends, co-workers and family. Don't forget to send this podcast to your boss!
Thank you for joining us as we explore Life's Moment's together.
Until next week's podcast...
Friday May 18, 2018
Life Moments Podcast # 4 - Security Awareness
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
In this week's podcast, we will discuss Security Awareness and why knowledge in this area is essential in 2018. We discuss Situational Awareness, which is being aware of your surroundings, and talk about how scanning for threats can help you to recognize threats even before they fully develop.
We will also give some quick security tips for home and car defense, and discuss the necessity of security education and why approaching security proactively is so important.
For additional information please visit TheBeckstromGroup.com, check out Terry's U-Tube channel, and for a more comprehensive understanding of security check out Terry's book Livesafe, A Practical Guide to Personal and Family Security, available at online book retailers worldwide.
Thanks for joining us today, and please subscribe to Life Moments and share with your friends and family on your social media platforms.
Until next Friday...
Friday May 11, 2018
Life Moments Podcast # 3 - The Power of Positivity
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
This week we discuss the power of positivity and how being a positive person can change your perspective on life and make you a much more 'enjoyable' person. Too often we allow our circumstances or the environment to dictate our attitudes, and it becomes easy to be negative. We are going to provide you with some tips to change your mindset to embrace an attitude of positivity, allowing you to observe firsthand the transition that occurs when you trade in your black cloud for some sunshine. Your life will change dramatically when you allow yourself the joy of positivity.
Thanks for listening and join us each Friday for a new episode. Sign up to follow Life Moments and please share Life Moments with all your friends.
For more information on these and other topics check out Terry's books Livesafe, A Practical Guide to Personal and Family Security, Spoken Silently, The Art and Practice of Reading People (both available at most online retailers), through his online courses via www.acheivecourses.com, as well as his LinkedIn articles.
For speaking engagements or business related subjects check out www.thebeckstromgroup.com
Until next week...