Friday Jul 12, 2019
Life Moments - Parenting with John Kay
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
In today's podcast (LM-43), we discuss parenting (aka Child Rearing) with our special guest Mr. John Kay.
John is the father of two amazing and successful girls and he and his wife (Jeannie) are definitely 'expert parents' when it comes to raising kids into successful and happy adults. John is a man of few words, but when he speaks the words are always words of wisdom.
We will be discussing the necessity of proactive parenting and leading your kids on a path that leads to successful adulthood.
John Kay is the IT Director for Trumbull Services based out of Hartford, CT. He is a graduate of Anderson College and Coastal Carolina College, where he was a standout NCAA D-1 baseball player. John and his wife can usually be found in either Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Atlanta, Georgia or Sumter, South Carolina.
John is as I like to say, 'scary smart' and a man of strong faith, character, and wisdom.
My thanks to John for joining us and passing on some of his wisdom.
Today's podcast was recorded in Sumter, South Carolina.
Thanks for joining us.
Until next week...
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Life Moments - Where Are You Today in Life?
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
LM-42 Where Are You in Life Today?
In today's podcast, we discuss the question 'where are you today in life?'
We all have ups and downs in life and at times life can seem a bit overwhelming. We all have good times and then times where we seem to hit rock bottom. Our response and our attitudes during these times will often help to determine the outcome. Do we develop a bad attitude, or get jaded towards life or people? Hopefully, we have healthy coping mechanisms that kick into action when we run into life's obstacles, and we are able to persevere and move forward.
Faith, family, and friends are always a welcome refuge when times get tough.
If you need professional help or counseling seek it. Don't let your environment or any other factor put a damper on your ability to live life courageously and with an attitude of gratitude.
Live life with a purpose and help as many as you can along the way.
Until next week...
Terry's Books on Amazon (Click Here)
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Life Moments - The People Who Shape Our Lives
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Friday Jun 28, 2019
In Today's episode (LM-41) we discuss The People Who Shape Our Lives and influence us. Our heroes...
Who were your heroes growing up? Who are your influences now? Who are your kid's influencers? I hope that if you are a parent it is you and for all the right reasons.
if you are letting social media and those around your kids to be their biggest influencers then you may want to push pause and reevaluate what your role in your kids lives. You as the parent must take a stand and be the parent your son or daughter needs, not someday, but today!
Make a difference in the lives of those around you for good. Today is a great time to start!
Remember if you have not ordered your copy of my newest book First Impressions please do so today. The books are selling out fast. You will love the book and it is definitely a book you will want your kids to read. Get copies for everyone in your family and all your friends. They will thank you one day...
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Life Moments - Podcast # 40 - The Book - First Impressions
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
In today's podcast, we talk about my new book First Impressions, The Art and Practice of Making a Profoundly Positive First Impression. The book was just published and is on sale at all online retailers. It is a must read for everyone!!
Please join the movement and post pictures on your social media of the book or you holding a copy of the book at locations around the world. Be sure to tell us 'where the book is' in your posting!
Please buy copies of the book for all your friends and family...
Thanks and have a great week!
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Life Moments - Podcast # 39 Parental Communication
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
In today's podcast, we discuss the critical importance of Parental Communication and steps that you can take to increase the lines of communication in your household. There is nothing more important in a parent-child relationship than great communication. That could not be more important at any time in history than right now.
How about you and your kids. Do you have excellent communication?
Don't ever underestimate the value of communication in every aspect of your life, and I am not talking about electronic communication!
Connect with your kids every day.
Until next week...
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Life Moments - Podcast # 38 - Vehicle Security E1
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
In today's episode, we will be listening to an excerpt from Chapter 4 (Vehicle Security) from my first book Livesafe, A Practical Guide to Personal and Family Security (2014).
I am currently recording an audiobook and will play a rough excerpt from a chapter on vehicle security, and specifically on the topics of road rage and carjacking.
If you don't have a copy of the book, I encourage you to buy one for everyone in your family. The information could actually save your life...
Thanks for joining us!
until next week...
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Life Moments - Podcast # 37 - Unintended Consequences
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
In today's podcast, we will be discussing Unintended Consequences which occur when we deal with the people around us, especially those we are encountering for the first time.
It is always worth repeating that we need to consider the emotional responses of others that we meet and deal with in every aspect of our lives. People want to be treated well and with respect, and too often we forget that, and we reap the consequences of our actions (or projections).
As I have said many times, 'people have emotions and emotions drive people to action'. This is something we should keep in mind when dealing with our fellow humans.
Smile, be kind and be the best person you can be everywhere you go, and with everyone that you meet.
Until next week...
* If you want to learn more about body language and image projection check out my book Spoken Silently @ Order Spoken Silently Now
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Life Moments - Podcast # 36 - Finding Your Passion
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
In today's episode, we discuss Finding Your Passion, what your passion means to you, and how your passion affects your family.
Hopefully your passion's include faith, family and your friends, and hopefully, you keep them in perspective.
How about you? What are your passions? Do you live for your passions? Is a hobby your passion?
Contemplate your passion and what it does for you in today's podcast.
Thanks for joining us today!
Until next week...
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Life Moments - Podcast # 35 - Financial Fitness with Brad Smallwood
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
In today's podcast, we will be hosting our special guest Brad Smallwood and discussing Financial Fitness, something that we should all consider.
Brad is a self-made financial guru who founded the website WWW.SSIMPLESAVER.COM which provides valuable information in articles that Brad writes on issues related to saving money, investing and preparing for retirement.
Brad discusses some of the big issues that put people in financial peril and gives some great insight into what we can do to avoid falling into a financial pit.
The podcast is recommended for anyone from 12-99 who wants to save a little more money and better prepare for a lifetime of financial fitness.
Check out Brad's website and we encourage you to forward this podcast to your friends on your social media sites.
Thanks for joining us today, and a special thanks to Brad Smallwood for his great advice and willingness to be on today's show.
Please subscribe to Life Moments and receive notifications when new episodes are released. We have a great line-up for 2019!
Until next week...
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Life Moments - Podcast # 34 - Security Awareness (Part 2)
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
In today's podcast, we will be discussing Security Awareness which is something that all of us should stay on top of. We will be talking about Situational Awareness, which is the foundation for every good personal security education, and other topics which relate to keeping you and your family as safe as possible.
I would suggest that you encourage your spouse, parents, kids, and friends to listen to today's podcast and that if you don't have a copy of my book Livesafe that you order yourself and every member of your family a copy today.
Get educated on personal and family security and be ready to act and survive should you find yourself in a critical threat situation.
Thanks for joining us today, subscribe and tell all your family and friends about us. Feel free to share this podcast on your social media posts.
Join us next week as we welcome our special guest Brad Smallwood, who is a walking encyclopedia on money saving and retirement tips.
Until next week...